Edward A. Harriman, Lecturer in Administrative Law, 1906-17

Edward Avery Harriman (1869-1955) came to the Law School from Northwestern, where he was a Professor of Law and faculty Secretary. Harriman was a prominent contract law scholar who corresponded frequently with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. on the theory of contracts. The correspondence began when Harriman sent Holmes a copy of his law review article, “The Nature of Contractual Obligation,” 4 Nw. L. Rev. 97 (1895), that drew upon Holmes’ ideas. That article was the first chapter of Harriman’s  treatise, Elements of the Law of Contracts (1896), which he later expanded into a multi-volume work, The Law of Contracts (1901). 

Harriman left Yale to serve in World War I and thereafter practiced in Washington, D.C. and lectured at George Washington University Law School, publishing a book on the League of Nations, The Constitution at the cross roads : a study of the legal aspects of the League of Nations, the Permanent Organization of Labor and the Permanent Court of International Justice (1925).


Modern History of New Haven and Eastern New Haven County 111-12, (1918).

David J. Seipp, “Holmes’s Path,” 77 B.U. L. Rev. 515 (1997).

Who’s Who in Law (1937).


Arthur L. Corbin, William K. Townsend Professor of Law, 1903-43


William R. Vance, Lafayette S. Foster Professor of Law, 1910-12, 1920-38